Friday, April 4, 2014

Comstock Park Community Outreach at Rotary

Representatives of the Comstock Park Outreach Coalition visited the Comstock Park Rotary Thursday but they were not strangers, since many of the Rotarians are also Outreach members and Rotary has sponsored and participated in a number of their events.

The Comstock Park Community Outreach is a collaboration of business, government, schools, churches and service organizations with a mission of matching community needs to available resources, and a purpose of empowering people to improve the quality of lives.

Representatives elaborated on the organization as they laid out the group's focus; At Risk Youth, the community's increasing Senior population, and the increasing Hispanic population.  Programs are in place that address these prioritized concerns. 

Meghan Auperlee, Wedgewood Christian Services, Missi McPherson and Ethan Ebenstein, Comstock Park Public Schools, , Julie Ebenstein, Senior Neighbors and Jennifer Grimm, Sparta Public Schools

Also visiting the Comstock Park Rotary was this duck which the Comstock Park Rotary has adopted for the next twelve months.  Having somewhat of a dubious reputation, club members are trying to breed some respectability into the bird before passing it along to another Rotary club in the year.

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