Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

… 'we lift up our hearts in gratitude to God for our many blessings, for one another, and our Nation'.
…'let us rejoice in the abundance that graces our tables, in the simple gifts that mark our days, in the loved ones who enrich our lives, and in the gifts of a gracious God'.

Excerpts from President Obama's Thanksgivings Day Proclamation, November 23, 2010.

"Give Thanks unto the Lord for He is Good"

Monday, November 22, 2010

Santa Arriving by Santa Express!

Santa and Mrs Claus
It was just leaked that on Saturday, December 11, 2010 Santa will once again be touring West Michigan Communities in search of good boys and girls .  Santa and Mrs. Claus  will be using the Santa Express to visit fifteen communites, beginning  his tour at Comstock Park and ending in Manistee. His itinerary has the train stop for 20 minutes at 9:30 am at the Comstock Park Depot at the rear of Dwight Lydell Park, off West River Road.

To commemorate this milestone occasion, Marquette Rail has partnered with Jim Nickelson’s Christmas Trees and will be distributing trees at each stop to lucky drawing winners who have been pre selected.  Marquette Rail will operate its fifth annual Santa Express on Saturday, December 11th, between Grand Rapids and Manistee. Other locally scheduled stops include Sparta, at 10:15, at Division and Crossing, Kent City 10:40 am till 10:50 am at Main St. Crossing,  Casnovia 11:00 am till 11:10 am Main St. /Kenowa Ave Crossing,  Grant 11:30 am till 11:50 am at the  Grant Depot, and Newaygo 12:15 till2:25 at the River Street Crossing.

 The famous Santa Express operated by Marquette Rail
Santa and Mrs Claus love stoppng at Comstock Park

Alpine Firefighters Association Host Pancake Breakfast with Santa

The Alpine Firefighters Association is having its first annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa December 11th, from 8AM to 1PM, at the Holy Trinity Church Gymnasium, 1200 Alpine Church Rd NW.  Come eat pancakes, sausage, eggs, served up by your local hero's. The money raised will help the association purchase equipment to help the Fire Department in Alpine Twp, as well as help provide fire prevention education, and to help fellow Fire, Police and EMS professionals in times of need. Donations will be accepted at the door, and there will be fire trucks, an ambulance, and a police car on display.

The Alpine Firefighters Association is committed to the promotion of fire safety and education, and community involvement.
From: Brian Stalsonburg

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Ash Basketry and Birch Canoes

Kevin Finney

It was as informative as it was entertaining.  Kevin Finney, education and research director of Ancient Pathways, a cultural resource group, presented a program at the Alpine Township Community Room on Indian Trails and how to make black ash baskets and birch canoes.  Part of the program was the viewing of a locally produced movie produced with the help of Kevin called: "Black Ash Basketry: A Story of Cultural Resilience  The movie acquainted the audience with the Pigeon family, a family that has done basket weaving for generations.  It talks about the family bonds that  continue to be established  by everybody in their family participating in this activity, which is not just about the weaving but also the selection of the trees and the stripping of the layers or wood.  A significant amount of time was spent discussing the emerald ash borer, a beetle that is threatening to extinguish black ash tree.  Members if the Pigeon family suggest that nature be allowed to take its course, rather than interfere with chemicals

Kevin Finney   is a cultural historian and educator who specializes in the life and history of Great Lakes region Native Americans. He is part scholar -- hired by schools, museums and historical sites all over the country for his expertise -- and part woodsman who tans his own deer hides. 

Kevin Finney also assisted 5th grade students to build a birch bark canoe using only primitive tools.  The canoe was entered in the 2010 Art Prize Festival in Grand Rapids.

Members of the Historical Commission as well as all in attendance were pleased to have Kevin present a terrific program. 

 Young and old enjoyed the presentation

 Kevin answering some of the questions for the audience

Kevin Finney

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Comstock Park Foundation Holiday Tree Silent Auction and Spaghetti Dinner

The Comstock Park School Foundation hosted its annual Holiday Tree Silent Auction and Spaghetti Dinner tonight.  Forty trees, decorated by area businesses and organizations were on display, some of them raising well over $100.00 each.  The Alpine Township entry raised $60 this year, and was recognized as the "Most Traditional Tree".  The theme for the Township entry this year was "Let it Snow".

Music was provided by the voices of the kindergartners through second graders. Art from students through high school was also on display.  Attendance was perhaps a little higher than anticipated, but there was enough pasta, spaghetti sauce, bread sticks, and salad to feed everybody.

 Alpine Township's entry,"Let is Snow" prepared by our staff, raised $60 and was awarded recognition for "Most Traditional Entry"

 The event was well attended

 The Pasta wad great!

 Alpine Township Fire Chief Ron Christians and his wife Betty in the serving line

Some attribute the large attendance to the marketing of the world  famous Spaghetti Sauce from the kitchen of Janine Fidler.

Missy McPherson

McKenzie Kibbe, a Senior, and President of the Comstock Park Student Volunteers was one of a number of students who helped clear the tables
Superintendent Ethan Ebenstein  after being relieved from kitchen duty.

Manufactured in Alpine Township

There is a lot of buzz about the Chevrolet VOLT as earlier this month it was named  Motor Trend's "Car of the Year".  Some anoint the VOLT as the first fully electric powered car in the world, but it is more likely that such was built right here in Alpine Township!

Tim Kidder at K & K Manufacturing, 951 9 Mile Road NW,  a leading supplier of parts for 107, 111, 113, and 190 chassis Mercedes Benz cars, last year created the first fully electric powered Mercedes 190 for a client in California.

The car weighs a little over 2,000 lbs despite containing over 200 battery cells which can be found under the hood, in the trunk, and behind the seats.  It runs without a charge for up to around a hundred miles. 

While the vehicle may not be running off the assembly line soon, it is still great to be able to claim that one of the first fully electric powered automobiles was manufactured right here in Alpine Township. More information and videos can be viewed at the company website.

Tim Kidder and son recently stopped by the Township office to demonstrate their electric car which was back home for maintenance. It is definitely a vehicle intended for a sunny California climate as it has no roof or side windows. 
 A look inside the trunk

 A peek under the hood

Friday, November 12, 2010

Holiday Tree Silent Auction, Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Comstock Park School Foundation November 20th

Over thirty trees decorated by local businesses and organizations have so far  been donated for the silent auction to be held on Saturday, November 20, 2010 6PM-8PM Comstock Park High School Cafeteria.  It's not like there is direct competition, but a number of organizations anticipate their tree to raise more money for the Comstock Park Foundation than others.  In addition to being able to bid on one of the many trees, those attending will be treated to Spaghetti catered in by Vitale's and Olive Garden.  In addition, Janine Fidler's famous spaghetti sauce will make this a meal you will not want to miss.  There will be children's art and music will be provided by kids from Kindergarten through the 2nd grade.  Silent Auction is 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Cost is $6.00 adults. $3.00 children 5yrs – 12 yrs, and free to children 5 yrs and under.

For more information, go here.

Alpine Township staff on break working on their Christmas Tree entry. From left to right, Betty Keeling, Erin Randall, and Julie Burelski

Beuschel Funeral Home Celebrates Opening with Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

It may well have been the most festive event that will ever be celebrated at the Beuschel Funeral Home at 5018 Alpine Ave NW. With ground breaking ceremonies taking place in May of this year, Brent Bueschel; accompanied by family, friends, and many well wishers, cut the ribbon Thursday  that officially announced the opening of the new establishment.  Guests had the opportunity to  tour the facility, and enjoyed punch and tasty hors d'Ĺ“uvres, prepared by L'Amore Italian Eatery.

 Brent, accompanied by wife Erin

 Erin Beuschel with daughter and Brent's mom
 Young and old enjoyed the open house

Brent accompanied by staff from Alpine Floral

Some of the staff and special guests participating

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Office of the Press Secretary
November 5, 2010

On Veterans Day, we come together to pay tribute to the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. Americans across this land commemorate the patriots who have risked their lives to preserve the liberty of our Nation, the families who support them, and the heroes no longer with us. It is not our weapons or our technology that make us the most advanced military in the world; it is the unparalleled spirit, skill, and devotion of our troops. As we honor our veterans with ceremonies on this day, let our actions strengthen the bond between a Nation and her warriors.

In an unbroken line of valor stretching across more than two centuries, our veterans have charged into harm's way, sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice, to protect the freedoms that have blessed America. Whether Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard, they are our Nation's finest citizens, and they have shown the heights to which Americans can rise when asked and inspired to do so. Our courageous troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the globe have earned their place alongside previous generations of great Americans, serving selflessly, tour after tour, in conflicts spanning nearly a decade.

Long after leaving the uniform behind, many veterans continue to serve our country as public servants and mentors, parents and community leaders. They have added proud chapters to the story of America, not only on the battlefield, but also in communities from coast to coast. They have built and shaped our Nation, and it is our solemn promise to support our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen as they return to their homes and families.

America's sons and daughters have not watched over her shores or her citizens for public recognition, fanfare, or parades. They have preserved our way of life with unwavering patriotism and quiet courage, and ours is a debt of honor to care for them and their families. These obligations do not end after their time of service, and we must fulfill our sacred trust to care for our veterans after they retire their uniforms.

As a grateful Nation, we are humbled by the sacrifices rendered by our service members and their families out of the deepest sense of service and love of country. On Veterans Day, let us remember our solemn obligations to our veterans, and recommit to upholding the enduring principles that our country lives for, and that our fellow citizens have fought and died for.

With respect for and in recognition of the contributions our service men and women have made to the cause of peace and freedom around the world, the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C. 6103(a)) that November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor our Nation's veterans.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim November 11, 2010, as Veterans Day. I encourage all Americans to recognize the valor and sacrifice of our veterans through appropriate public ceremonies and private prayers. I call upon Federal, State, and local officials to display the flag of the United States and to participate in patriotic activities in their communities. I call on all Americans, including civic and fraternal organizations, places of worship, schools, and communities to support this day with commemorative expressions and programs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hunters Safety Class

55 students of all ages crammed into the Alpine Township Hall Tuesday night eager to learn about Hunters Safety.  This was the second time this fall that the three day class was offered, and both were sell outs.  The classes are being conducted by deputies Nate Ertle and  Tom McCutcheon with the Kent County Sheriff's Department.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Three Reasons to Eat at Applebee's this Month

There are at least two special events and reasons to eat at Applebee's at 3851 Alpine Ave NW in November. 

The first  event is coming up on Veteran's Day, this Thursday, November 11, as veterans and active duty military personnel can enjoy a free (Signature Entree) meal.  More information and restrictions can be found here

The second event is on Friday, November 19.  If you eat on that day, 20% of your check can be donated to the Comstock Park Rotary.  The Comstock Park Rotary is a very active service organization in our community.  Some of the projects they are known for are the Grotto Park Project at the Michigan Veteran's Facility in Grand Rapids, and playgrounds at Wahlfield Park and more recently at York Creek.  They also provide scholarships to local students, and participate in world wide programs such as clean drinking water, and the eradication of poliio.  The Rotary asks that you print the coupon available here and present it with your check.  Coupons will NOT be available at the restaurant. 

And for our female readers, Wednesday November 17th is Ladies Night Out.  Check here for more information.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fans Witness and Celebrate Comstock Park Victory at R & R Coffee House and Mad Dogz

Comstock Park High School football fans gathered at the R & R Coffee House and at MAD DOGZ  to listen to the radio broadcast of the  play off game between Comstock Park and Kingsford  that was being played 440 miles northwest of here.  The Panthers prevailed 30-15, much to the enjoyment of the fans.  Congratulations, Comstock Park, and best wishes on your path towards the championship!  Next up:  Grand Rapids Catholic Central on November 13.

 Fans at the R & R Coffee House watching the video stream

 Jean Snoke, wife of defensive line coach Ray Snoke relieved as Comstock Park pulls ahead
 Youngest Football Fan at the R & R Coffee House

 These fans stuck it out at MAD DOGZ, just two doors down from R & R Coffee House

These Comstock Park fans enjoyed the game at MAD DOGZ after playing a game of flag football at the Marathon Bible Church on Stony Creek NW.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Alpine Elementary Celebrates Carnival

Alpine Elementary School  at Baumhoff NW in Alpine Township celebrated its annual Carnival tonight from 6:00-8:30. There were numerous games to play, plenty of winning tickets to redeem for prizes, pizza, bread sticks raffles, silent auctions, tattoos, even a fortune teller  who amongst other things,  forecasted that Santa would be arriving soon.  Kids, parents and grand parents all had a great time.

 Judy Ingersoll and  Mary Ellen Kimble assisting kids with badge making.

 Plenty to Eat in the Kitchen

 Fortune Telling is Risky Business

Volunteers Taking a Break

 One of these volunteers was referred to as the Carnival Queen.  Can you guess who?

The duck pond is still a favorite amongs the younger kids